Saturday, 18 February 2017

Commissioning Service photos

More photos added to the Commissioning Service item - go to NEWS to see them.

Sunday, 5 February 2017

Denbigh Mission Area

The Denbigh Mission Area Service of Commissioning, conducted by the Rt Rev'd Gregory Cameron, Bishop of St Asaph, took place at St Mary's Church this morning. Over two hundred people attended, from throughout the Mission Area.

GO to NEWS for more pics.

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Mission Area Service

Denbigh Mission Area Commissioning Service with Bishop Gregory will take place on Sunday February 5th at 10:30am, in St Mary’s Church, Denbigh. This will be the only service in the Mission Area on this date. The service will be followed by a Bring-and-Share lunch in the church: if you’re able to bring something, please bear in mind that it’s a buffet lunch, and bring enough for four - savoury if your name begins A-M, or sweet if you’re N-Z.